Cycling Training Tips

VO2 Max Is Crucial In Road Cycling

The basic rule of training is to train what you aim for. Interval training with an intensity close to your maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max) is the most secure way to improve your VO2 max.

Elite riders must do VO2max intervals

The closer the intensity is to 100% of VO2max, the better training you get. Luckily, this means you have to train less time to improve your performance.

If all your intervals are done at an intensity around, e.g., 80% VO2 max, you still get stimuli to increase your VO2max, but it takes a lot more work (time) to make significant improvements.

Elite and pro riders need training at (or very close to) VO2max to keep further progress. Thus, VO2 intervals are always included in the training programs I design for top athletes. I will also strongly recommend them to any ambitious athlete who wants to continue their progress.

How to train for a better VO2 max

Unfortunately, training at this intensity is very tough, so we split it up in shorter intervals. I have already shown you some examples of doing VO2 max intervals, but there are also other ways to train this physical skill.

Participating in road races or criteriums is not as specific as interval training, but still, it gives you an excellent training. It is often more motivating to ride a criterium than strictly paced intervals using a power meter as your training partner.

Do I really need to improve my VO2max?

Yes, you can’t increase your VO2 max enough. Having a large aerobic engine is crucial in road cycling. In road cycling, you spend most of the time on a lower percentage of your VO2 max, but in the decisive moments, it is guaranteed that you perform close to your VO2max.

It is also important to remember that your performance at lower intensities is always closely related to your maximum. Thus, when you get a larger VO2 max, you will feel more comfortable at lower power outputs, and it’s easier for you to accelerate at the final moments of the race.

I like to use the term aerobic engine because you can think of VO2 max as the size of a car’s engine. If the engine gets bigger, it’s clear you can drive faster, but the car also feels better and more comfortable at lower speeds.

Question to the readers:

VO2 Max intervals – are they a part of your current training program?

9 thoughts on “VO2 Max Is Crucial In Road Cycling”

  1. Yes. Now I do 2 interval training per week.
    I’ve started in March. And we have a first race at the end of April.

    By the way. I have a question about vo2max.
    How to measure it for cyclist? =)

  2. If you don’t have power sensor it is not possible to do the test as I recommend it. The second best option could be a hill climb test where you see how far you can ride in 5minutes.

  3. Pingback: VO2 Max Booster Program - Reduce Volume, Increase Quality

  4. Pingback: VO2 Max Booster Program ”“ Intervals Targeted For VO2 Max

  5. So how many of these sessions are done a week? i imagine they can be very taxing! and is it best done in late build/peak periods?

  6. I’m so confused. I thought V02 Max was not trainable. You’re born with what you’re born with. My understanding is that you lactate threshold (the percentage of your V02 Max you can sustain) is very trainable.

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