Cycling Training

Time Trial Training (Best practice to improve your TT)

IT SOUNDS pretty straightforward. You, your bike, and the clock, riding in splendid isolation as quickly as you can, away from the rough and tumble of the peloton.

In theory, a time trial should be a simple test of your ability to ride your bike as fast as possible over a set distance.

But if only it were as easy as that.

In this article about time trial training, you’ll find the following:

Time trials are the ultimate challenge for endurance athletes. First, there is nowhere to hide, no bunching pack to drag you along.

And it hurts: it’s a maximum effort. The pain will usually last from start to finish.

But whether you achieve a personal best (or a personal worst), you will always be left with the same feeling when you cross the line: you will want to go faster next time. This is because time trials have that glorious habit of leaving riders hungry for more.

If you’re serious about getting faster, beating your quickest time over a particular course, and completing the perfect time trial, getting every little detail right is crucial, especially regarding pacing, aerodynamics, preparation, and technique.

So before you saddle up, here is a video including my main points:

Time Trials: Getting the pace right on race day

The first five minutes during a time trial
Proper pacing is everything when it comes to time trials, and getting the initial speed correct is the key to achieving your goal time. But the easy trap to fall into, and so many riders do this, is to go out too hard, so your pace slowly but surely slackens off during the ride.

The result? You finish weak when you should be aiming to finish with a flourish.

Patience is the key
Starting at a breakneck race pace will NOT lead to a better overall time. On the other hand, if you blast out at full pelt, you risk blowing up well before the end of the trial, which will lead to you running out of energy and finishing poorly.

So with this in mind, the first five minutes of a time trial are crucial and will almost certainly dictate if you succeed or fail in achieving your goal time.

In addition, your cardiovascular system takes a few minutes to react before it delivers optimally for your desired intensity.

Even if you’ve performed a solid warm-up, you will be at risk of going anaerobic if you try to maintain your target pace right from the beginning of the time trial.

While I strongly recommend using power meters to help with your pacing strategy, it is possible to learn how to pace yourself sensibly without using one.

Ups and downs of pace control during time trials

The traditional view among most coaches and riders is that riders should tackle a time trial by adopting a firm but even pace throughout the whole race. But I beg to differ slightly, and I firmly believe that a few reasonable and subtle changes to your pacing strategy will yield a faster overall time.

I stress again: it is so vital not to start too fast.

Try staying SLIGHTLY BELOW your planned target power for the first five minutes of the time trial. Then after five minutes, make sure you ride as close as possible to your target power.

Now here’s one difference to the ride-at-an-even-pace throughout mantra:
Try pushing a tiny bit harder uphill, and then ease off slightly on the descents. Do this, and you will achieve an overall quicker time.

Try it: it works!

About 20 watts more power riding uphill will save you more time than you will lose by reducing 20 watts going downhill. This is because there is a more substantial aerodynamic drag at higher velocities.

When it comes to pacing, one great training tactic is to practice completing the distance you will be tackling at a flat-out pace. If you find that your speed slackens off towards the end, then you have gone out too hard.

However, if you feel fresh at the end, you probably haven’t paced it fast enough. Practice makes perfect, so it’s worth practicing until you know for sure what a challenging but sustainable effort over a given distance feels like.

Action plan:

So when it comes to judging the right pace, try the following tips:

  • Analyse your last time trial (heart rate, power outputs).
  • Develop a new pacing strategy for your next time trial.
  • Perform specific time trial training with your new pacing strategy.

*, if you are taking part in a track pursuit, you will have to use a different pacing strategy.

Advanced Time Trial Training – Aerodynamics

Aerodynamics are pivotal to completing a successful time trial. But riders shouldn’t get too hung up on aeros: keep in mind that it is just one part of the overall performance equation.

Yes, aerodynamics play a significant role, but they are not the deal-breaker for achieving a goal time.

However, some facts are indisputable: one significant point is that 90% of a rider’s power output is used to break wind resistance. Wind resistance is the biggest enemy when competing in a time trial.

So to counter the elements finding the optimal body position is crucial as it minimizes the aerodynamic drag, requiring fewer watts to ride quickly.

Pole Position on your Time Trial Bike

The position of the body is also where riders can make the most significant improvement to overall aerodynamics. Most riders will benefit from optimal usage of their TT bars – one of the most significant ways to improve your TT position.

And if your bank balance won’t stretch to purchasing a dedicated time trial bike and all the expensive accessories built for brilliant aerodynamics, then nurturing a good aero position (your body!) is even more critical.

There is even a growing view among some experts that the most aerodynamic position for a rider can decrease pedaling efficiency and increase the metabolic rate of effort. Subsequently, this can lead to a cut in the average power output of the cyclist. According to some experts, this power reduction can be 10-20% compared to on your road bike.

The body position can also become so extreme that it limits your performance even though it is more aerodynamic. However, I believe that with targeted uphill training while maintaining the aero position, it is possible to cut down on this loss of power caused by the aerodynamic body position.

If you want practical help adjusting your TT bike, you should consider a bike fit. This will accelerate your learning curve and secure quick wins.

Aero Test (optimizing your time trial position)
Wind-gallery tests are also beneficial but are expensive. However, there is a straightforward test to gauge the aerodynamic advantage of different bike positions.

All that’s required is a 300m descent, with a gradient to allow a 50 km/h speed without effort on the pedals, followed by an ascent to slow down and stop the cyclist within a reasonably short time: the further the cyclist goes up the hill, the more aerodynamically efficient the body position.

This can take a few attempts to eradicate statistical errors, and conditions such as wind speed/air temperature have to be taken into account, but, in the end, you will find the results are reliable.

The frontal area is the most vital aspect in terms of optimal time trial position.

Most coaches agree that riders should minimize their chest bagginess and keep their arms and shoulders as close as possible.

Other vital aerodynamics tips for your TT bike include:

  • Make your aero extensions as long as the rules allow
  • Handlebar (aero bar) height is not as vital as reach
  • Wear an aero helmet
  • Consider a professional bike fit

Get Your Kit On

The last point above is a good one. An aero helmet (app. $150) is an excellent place to start if you have some spare cash to splurge. There is no doubt that an aero helmet will make you significantly faster, so it’s a solid investment. Experts estimate that an aero helmet alone saves a rider 10-15 watts of power at time trial speeds.

You could also try lowering the front of the bike, which could be as simple as flipping the stem and fitting some tri-bars, which cost as little as $50. Then, after an aero helmet, you could start thinking about adding aero drinks bottles, overshoes, skin suits, deep-section wheels. But it is wise to spend any money you have on making sure you get into a good body position first.

And while all this expensive TT bike equipment is helpful, a pricey kit won’t make you go faster if your body acts like a huge air brake.

So if your budget is limited, keep in mind that body position should be your main priority. Focus on improving your body position on your current bike and invest time and energy in the areas where you can make the biggest gains.

Remember, cut wind resistance, and you’ll go faster.

Take action:

  • Perform aerodynamic tests with your current TT bike.
  • Reduce your frontal area. Make a “longer” position on your bike.
  • Perform an aerodynamic test with optimised set-up.
  • Repeat above steps until you see gradual improvements.

Interval training for time trials: No pain no gain

In cycling, your time trial training should always be targeted to your goal. So for time trials, you will have to train at a very high intensity if you want to improve your time over a given distance. Make intervals a cornerstone in your time trial training plan.

To sustain a strong pace for the duration of a time trial, your training sessions need to be explosive. So interval training is the key, with a combination of sub-threshold, threshold power, and VO2 max intervals.

Professional riders target their time trial training towards improving their threshold power. But developing a large aerobic engine will not happen overnight. It demands a considerable amount of training and effort and the adoption of the highest quality training principles over several years.

But one thing is sure: time trial riders (just like sprinters and climbers) need an incredible threshold power as a strong performance at threshold power is obligatory for winning any race.

And another thing is sure: training with very high intensity will boost your ability to continue riding without accumulating lactic acid.

VO2 Max Intervals

VO2 max intervals are a brilliant stimulus for your aerobic system. They also provide a significant boost to your threshold power. VO2 max may not be the most crucial power output. Still, the advantages of learning this skill are immense because the physiological adaptations to VO2 max training are the same as the ones you achieve when training at lower intensities.

Also, bear in mind that functional threshold power is only a percentage of your VO2 max. The physiological skills you train with during threshold power intervals are also stimulated at VO2 max intensity.

Functional Threshold Power Intervals

These are the most popular way to boost threshold power. The key is to know your power output or heart rate at threshold power and then use these to pace yourself throughout intervals at the same intensity. The best tactic is to tackle a time trial as a yardstick or reference.

The toughest part of these intervals is to stay at the right intensity throughout. Setting off a tiny bit too fast will make it impossible to maintain the right power. On the other hand, starting too slowly, you won’t benefit from your training adaptations.

Functional threshold power intervals are extremely tough but effective in creating a better aerobic capacity, and they are brilliant for any rider who wants to become a better time trial rider.

Sub-Threshold Power Intervals (Sub FTP-intervals)

High-intensity interval training is only beneficial if you complete them. So while VO2 max and threshold power intervals are the most effective ways of training for a time trial, they will be rendered ineffective and meaningless if you don’t complete the actual intervals at the required speed/intensity.

So physically and mentally, you will undoubtedly achieve a better training result for a time trial if you opt for intensity with a higher success rate. This is where sub-threshold power intervals come into their own to offer significant improvements.

Some experts also argue that there is a physiological sweet spot as you can train at a high oxygen consumption without going anaerobic, with a positive knock-on effect on your aerobic system. So for time-trialling, they are excellent for training.

I would strongly recommend that you track your training progress using a series of physical performance tests. For example, if you train for a 25km time trial, watch your power meter file and notice your average Watts for such a distance in training.

But do remember that the beauty of hard interval sessions is that as you begin to increase the size of your aerobic capacity, you will also boost your power output for that distance. This will allow you to monitor your physical performance and, more importantly, separate these improvements from other improvements caused by improved aerodynamics.

One thing is for sure: the magic formula is out there waiting for you.

Take action:

  • Sub-threshold power intervals, e.g. 2x20min.
  • Functional threshold power intervals e.g. 3x12min.
  • VO2 Max intervals e.g. 3x(3+3min).

Also, it’s worth learning from great time triallists. For example, you can find inspiration from Alex Dowsett, who has been riding very impressive time trials on the world tour.

Other top time trial tips


Many road cyclists with a race or time trial on the horizon see it as a perfect excuse to gorge on a mountain of food. But while carb-loading is recommended to a degree, moderation is advised when it comes to time trials.

For an event like a 10 or 25-mile time trial, a meal rich in carbs, such as pasta or rice, the night before the race is probably sufficient. There is no reason to eat food high in fat.

On race day in the morning, focus on carbs again. Jam on toast is a good choice, while if you prefer cereal, ensure it’s low in fat and fibers. En route to the time trial, it is worth sipping an energy drink, while a dose of caffeine (up to 200mg) may also be advisable. Stay hydrated during warm-up.

For a short time trial of 10 miles, don’t bother with a drinking bottle as time lost sipping the fluid will outweigh the benefits of taking on mid-race fluid. However, after the event, please make sure you have a recovery drink ready.

Warm up

Failing to warm up properly will mean you won’t benefit from all those tough hours of training. One warm-up strategy is to ride comfortably for 10-15 minutes and then perform three 10-15 second bursts (not all-out sprints) with a couple of minutes of recovery in between. After that, slightly increase the intensity, so you raise your oxygen consumption in small steps. This protects you from going anaerobic.

Aim to warm up for at least 20 minutes, and there is rarely any reason to spend longer than 45 minutes. If you’re in a hurry, check out this quick warm-up.

Mental preparation

While psyching yourself up may seem the obvious thing to do, staying calm is probably more important. Get too worked up, and you may be tempted to go off too hard. So instead, stay calm and remain in control of your effort.

Remember, if you go off too fast, there is no chance to recover.

Ride the course

Familiarise yourself with the course if possible. This helps and makes sure there are no nasty surprises on the day. It is better to know where any killer hills (or potholes) are lying in wait. And even on well-marshaled courses, cyclists can still take a wrong turn in the heat of battle.

So do you feel motivated? Are you now ready for time trial success?

Did you find inspiration to modify your time trial training plan?

If you have enjoyed reading this post, why not share it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter?

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Best of luck!

Jesper Bondo Medhus

I am a medical doctor with a special interest in cycling training. I work at the Hospital of Vejle using clinical physiology and nuclear medicine to diagnose cancer and heart patients. Author of the book: Mastering the Art of Race-Specific Training (Kindle and paperback).For sale at and many other places.

View Comments

  • Once again, a fantastic article, a fantastic website. It amazes me that there are so few comments. People could learn something here. My own little secret, besides Mr. Medhus recommendations, for a quick TT time,,,,,, is training specificity. For example. A 25 km.TT will take approx. 34-35 min. in normal terrain in Denmark for a Cat. II-III cyclist. So a few weeks before the competition, I begin to train Threshold Power 1x35 min (CP35) approx. every third day with a powermeter. I'ts hard, but it works. I'am pacing almost like I'm going on the actual competition day. Of course I also train Sub + VO2, but my overall training volume is low ... (but then again, in general I use Mr. Medhus training principles, so it can be done...)

  • Hi Michael. I love comments and I appreciate that you take that extra time to share your thoughts. You're right that specificity is important. That's a cornerstone in optimized cycling training. Even though it might already be included in my advice: "Perform a training ride with your new pacing strategy." it is still worth reminding the importance of specificity.

  • Fantastic detailed article.
    The primary ability appears to be Muscular Endurance coupled with speed endurance. How often do you see the need to train on your time trial bike?

    I've often found as an asthmatic I need a bottle for my throat on time trials over 10 miles long just to keep my throat from drying.

  • your articles ar so good; just the right information !!
    it looks so simple, but it's right; you just have to do it and it works
    I've added you as a friend on facebook :p

  • I like this article as all others on this website.

    I would try to follow your tip - 20 watts pluss going uphild instead the oposite way. I also will focus on body postition on my next trainingsession.
    I have one tip in return to you all:
    If you really need liquid or sportsdrink during a TT, try a camelback benith your shirt instead of a bottle. This could also improve your aerodynamic because of the buckle on your back.

    Good luck to all !

  • You are a great coach.
    Accurate and humble. never pretentious
    Thanks for the advice that you distribute with your post
    Daniele - Italy

  • maybe you can write an article about Philippe Gilbert? why you think he's so good? he trains on his feeling and never with Powertap, SRM or even heart rate monitor.... specificity?

  • He is a true (RR) champion. He knows how to do things. But what about his TT. I can't actually remember anything. An article about feeling could surely be interesting, but if it is not measurable, so what do we get out of it - if we fx. want to adapt his methods ?

    However, I believe that the man is "tested", and that he knows what he does (periodization, proper amount of intervals, etc.). SRM, Powertap, etc. are just helping tools to reach full potential in less time... and for some it is very fun too....

  • the riders of the Lotto team are/were supported by the Energy Lab center; I know he didn't want to get training schemes, heart rate zones, or even training with powertap (Lotto had powertap last year, now it's SRM). But alle riders had to do a maximal lactate test.
    So i think they will certainly have told him how good he was en what he had to do (more)
    I also know/read that he does A LOT of km's (endurance, ), intervals uphill: riding "a good tempo/pace" ( subtreshold) and of course some hard efforts ( VO2max, anaerobic power)that's why he's so explosive)
    So I think, he does high intensity intervals for his aerobic engine;described in the article about treshold power en works specific on anaerobic power
    Also he trains this in winter I think, doing specific and also hard aerobic efforts. He just train hard, it looks simple, but how many pro's are just doing km's in winter with a group?... free wheeling at 40 k/hour...? he also does this but than 200km and after this he will train on his own for an hour of 2, doing hight intensity aerobic intervals

    I also read, when he wasn't a pro yet, he also did training rides of 8hours!! his trainingmate told: "today trained more than 8hours with philippe; never the speed was under 35km/hour!!

    that's training !!

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