Would You Like To Train Less and Ride Much Faster?
This exciting new e-book will showcase how you can develop your own individual training program, so you can pedal away from the peloton and stay clear of the chasing pack. The benefits for you…

- Boost your threshold power
- Maximize your VO2 Max
- Improve anaerobic training techniques
- Tackle the challenging VO2 Max Booster Program
- Take on the respected 16-week training program
- Save time and achieve better results
- Learn the pros and cons of strength training

“It is a simple and straightforward e-book that is full of easy to follow information that helps you become a better cyclist. Of all the books I have, it is easily the most concise as well as the best reading on how to get the most bang for your limited training time.”
Chris Aarons, Cycle-faster.com
Check out the amazing guarantee at the end of this letter
Dear Fellow Cycler,

My name is Jesper Bondo Medhus. I am a medical doctor and an international cycling coach, but most importantly of all, I am passionate about cycling and totally understand your drive to go faster.
I also understand how you can come to think that more training equals more speed every time. I used to think that way myself until I undertook a massive program of study and experimentation that indicated to me that it is not the time you spend training that matters. It is the time you spend training well.
When you compare training time to speed increases, does it sometimes creep into your mind that you must be doing something wrong?
If you are training long hours and not seeing massive speed improvements, trust me, you ARE doing something very wrong.
The good news:
It is not hard to fix, and it is going to require you spend far less time training – not more.
Some of the people I have helped have been nice enough to write to me and let me know how much my product has improved their cycling.
Here is just one of the stories:
“In 2010 I decided to try to get in shape for the world masters track champs. The pursuit was going to be my main aim. It was not going to be an easy task as I also work full time running my own forestry business. I got a 13 week training programme from training4cyclists.com. First I did a 3.5 min max test to see what sort of power I was producing. I did 396W.
The bulk of the programme consisted of very high intensity intervals varying from 10second sprints up to 5min repeats. The intervals, although being very hard, were a great challenge and really made to look forward to the training as you could actually feel yourself getting better and stronger with every session. At the end of my 13 weeks including a proper taper, I was amazed to find my power over 3.5 mins was now up to 424W. That’s 28W increase! I had also lost a couple of kilos which was an added bonus.
I must say that almost all my training was done on the road or on the turbo as I dont live anywhere near a track,so you can imagine my delight when I went to the Worlds and won bronze. I’m going to give it another go this year (2011) and will be sticking with what I have learnt from Jesper’s interval training. With a few tweaks, maybe I can get gold!!”
Peter Ettles, Bronze Medallist at World Track Championships 2010 (age 45 to 49)

Time Effective Cycling Training comes as a downloadable PDF (102 pages) and costs $27. This e-book illustrates my strong views on making the most of every minute of your cycling training. It is designed to help road cyclists, mountain bikers, and triathletes to reach their full performance potential. I am convinced this e-book will make you faster and stronger. Why? Well, it has:
- A clear description of the key principles of solid cycling training
- A strong focus on what we in the medical profession know and not what we believe
- Ready-to-use training programs
- 100% free email support. If you need my advice just ask – I will happily answer you.
“Using the principles included in this e-book, I have achieved the best results in my career.”
Jakob Bering (2x Gold Medal at Junior MTB National Championships)
The Train Less – Ride Faster Guarantee.
I am 100% convinced you will enjoy Time Effective Cycling Training. I have helped international cyclists reach their full potential; now, I can help YOU.
Here’s the guarantee: If this e-book doesn’t saves you time and makes you faster within 30 days, I will refund the entire of your purchase price ”“ no questions asked.
Please be aware, Time Effective Cycling Training is not a miracle cure or a “quick fix”. True athletes all know that is not possible. Instead, readers will get an insight into intelligent and proven scientific training principles that will accelerate their progress. It takes a long-term view: that you can get faster by training less.
However, it will begin to improve your performance within a month. And it will continue to improve it as long as you stick to the principles.
And at $17 it is a bargain: in fact, it costs less than a decent cycling helmet.
So what have you got to lose? Don’t delay. Secure your copy NOW.