
Best Beginner Cycling Tips – The Winner

It wasn’t an easy decision to choose the winner, actually it was a very close race. One of the reasons it was so difficult was that it is different what kind of tips a beginner needs and most beginners can benefit from a majority of the tips participating in the competition. But I have announced that I will choose one winner and I decided the following comment from Ian, Australia to be the best comment (winning $25):

When someone starts cycling I usually suggest a few group rides that are good for beginners or get them to do one of the longer challenge rides.

Getting in a well paced bunch teaches them alot about cycling, gives them friends to ride with and makes the starting process alot more fun.

The challenge ride, like around the bay in a day, set them an achievable goal which encourages them to go beyond what they thought their limits were. I am currently trying to get my 60year old mother to register for a 100k ride with the offer of doing it with her.

But Ian wasn’t the only person to come up with great tips for beginners. Thus, I will highly recommend beginners to visit the thread with cycling tips for beginners.

Best Beginner Cycling Tips – The Winner Read More »

Write the best beginner cycling tips and win $25!

There is currently a competition going on at You can win $25 to your Paypal account by entering your best beginner cycling tips here. If you don’t want to win these money, you can still get some really useful tips from the participants. So far there are 5 entries to this little competition and I guess there are more to come. The winner will be chosen on June 5th.

Write the best beginner cycling tips and win $25! Read More »

What Are Your Best Cycling Tips for Beginners?

I often get questions about cycling tips from beginners looking for fast improvements. I introduce them to the basic training principles and basic rules for optimal training I know. Training consistently for a long period is a cornerstone in every cyclist’s success and using some principles for recovery accelerates the progress.

Nevertheless, it can be a good idea to hear what you readers say to your friends when they ask you about beginner cycling tips.

Best comment on this post wins $25
The winner will be chosen on June 5th and the prize can be paid to PayPal accounts only. is allowed to present tips entered in this competition in future posts.

Now it is time for competition: What are your best beginner cycling tips?

What Are Your Best Cycling Tips for Beginners? Read More »