Cycling Training Tips

Why You Should Hire a Professional Cycling Coach

I believe 95% of all endurance athletes can improve their performance significantly if they have a professional coach to help them with their training program.

Think about it.

If you were just 3% stronger in the last race you’ve finished – would you have performed better?

Professional coaches make better training plans and help athletes to reach their physiological potential

3% is a big difference in competitive sports like road cycling. If you are just a little bit stronger than your opponents, your chances of success increase exponentially.

Best of it: It’s possible to achieve remarkable improvement with hard, consistent training.

“Hey, I’m extremely dedicated to my training, and that’s why I’m so good! But, unfortunately, I can’t get stronger with the time I have reserved for training.” You are probably doing most things as optimal as possible but think about it again. If you were just a little stronger in the last race – does it sound reasonable that it would have made a difference?

If you aim to become a better endurance athlete, you should consider hiring a professional cycling coach.

Chances that you will benefit from a professional cycling coach are great – remember how much the minor differences influence your performance.

Does it sound reasonable?

2 thoughts on “Why You Should Hire a Professional Cycling Coach”

  1. Hi Jesper,

    I 100% agree, but I find that hiring the coach is very difficult. Had a I had a good coach this past season, that helped me 1%, I would have way more podium finishes.

    With this season ending, I’m thinking again to hire the coach. This is the right time . But there are a lot of bareers and questions. Should it be local coach? Local coach is familiar with the local scene, local races etc. Internet coach? They are typically ‘data’ oriented, FTP, TSS etc, but racing is way more then that. Will the coach be a right personality match? There is a lot of psychology in coaching, I’m sure you know. It would be nice to have some way of getting coach reviews. Kind of one of those matchmaking services, only for athletes and coaches 🙂 To me all this questions and many others typically result in paralysis and yet another year without a coach. From this you probably understood that my past coach experiences are not exactly positive.

    It would be great to have a good coach though.


  2. Emil, thanks for commenting. I’m not going to make reviews of coaches here on, but maybe I should make a list with things to consider when hiring a cycling coach.


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