Categories: Equipment

Power Crank can improve upstroke pedalling

It is challenging to train the hamstrings and hip flexors on a regular bike. Therefore, we use most of our efforts to push the pedals down and never pull the pedals up.

Power Crank offers a different way to train better upstroke pedaling power. The pedal arms on the crank work independently, which forces you to work much harder in the upstroke pedaling phase. Now you are forced to make an active upstroke to keep pedaling. That should make you stronger and more efficient.

I can not recommend the Power Crank yet because I have never tried it or the riders I train. But hopefully, I will try it out in the future.

Better than one leg riding
I have tried to ride my bike with only one pedal clicked in, but I don’t think that works very well. It does not feel like cycling, and it isn’t easy to maintain a reasonable speed. Therefore I am pretty interested in experiences made with the Power Crank system.

So if you have tried it, please let me know about it. Otherwise, we will have to wait until I have tried it and made a review of the Power Crank.

Jesper Bondo Medhus

I am a medical doctor with a special interest in cycling training. I work at the Hospital of Vejle using clinical physiology and nuclear medicine to diagnose cancer and heart patients.

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  • Hej Jesper

    Jeg har et sæt Powercranks som jeg har monteret fast på min vintercykel. Jeg er rigtigt glad for dem! De giver selvfølgelig et rundt tråd, og jeg vil give dig ret - det er MEGET mere effektivt end at lave øvelser med et ben ad gangen. Desværre har de også nogle svagheder - der sidder et leje i hver side som godt kan ødelægges hvis man træder med et MEGET højt moment (dvs. stående start i et højt gear). Det er lidt svært at komme igang når man har holdt stille i et lyskryds - specielt fordi man klikker i pedalen når den er "i bund". Jeg laver også spurttræning med dem for tiden - men den stående teknik er ikke helt på plads endnu - jeg kan endnu ikke få kadancen over ca. 110 stående.

    Jeg vil mene at det kræver at man træner udelukkende på Powercranks i en periode i starten for at lære teknikken - men jeg har lige trænet uden PC's i 3 uger pga. et ødelagt leje - og der var ikke de store problemer i dag som var min første tur tilbage på Powercranks, selvom jeg kørte lang udholdenhedstræning.

  • Thanks for your comments Lars.

    and for those who can't read danish here is a short summary of Lars' comments:

    - It is much better than regular one-leg cycling. Very happy for the Power Cranks.

    - Some problems with bearrings if you train power sprints. Also difficult to get the bike started because you click in the pedal in the bottom (that is the weakest point of the pedal stroke).

    - It takes time to learn the technique.

  • Two years exclusive PC use in training and triathlon racing including Ironman distance events. Consistently measure 7 to 10 % greater power output as measured with a PowerTap. Highest sustained efforts when using a slight delay in the recovering or upstroke leg! A bit of a gallop in the stroke with cadence about 80. Hamstrings, gluteal muscles and vastus lateralus come into play much more.

Published by
Jesper Bondo Medhus

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