Cycling Training Tips

14 hours per week training program

Yesterday I presented a 12 hr per week training program. I will go a step further and introduce a similar program for 14hr per week. Remember that these programs are only guidelines, and it is strongly recommended to have a solid mileage before you start. I promise that I will post a beginner’s guide soon.

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Short-term sprint interval rocks

How effective can a set of short-term sprint intervals compared to regular endurance training at a comfortable pace be? It is well known that interval training can be time-saving, but in July 2006, a fascinating study was published in The Journal of Physiology. The scientists compared the outcome of low volume sprint training three times

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12 hours per week training program

This training program is designed for ambitious beginners who want to increase their level of performance. This program has two days with intervals, which are Tuesday and Thursday. Mondays and Saturdays are supposed to be light training days with an intensity of about 60% of your maximal heart rate. These light training days are made

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