Cycling Training Tips

Jesper has got a concussion due to crashing with a bike.

Unfortunately, there will be a temporary interruption in the updates on this page. Jesper had an accident with his bike 28/02-2007. He got a concussion of the brain. I can not tell when he will be back, but I promise he will.


Anna (his girlfriend)

14 thoughts on “Jesper has got a concussion due to crashing with a bike.”

  1. suitcaseofcourage

    Ugh – I’m very sorry to hear that and hope he’s ok all things considered. Thanks for letting us know and please keep us posted on how he’s doing!


  2. Jesper,

    Sorry to hear about your mishap. Here’s to hoping for a speedy and complete recovery, and that you’ll be back on the road soon.

    Best wishes.

    – Rant

  3. Thank you all for the good wishes. Jesper is slowly getting better and now I have time for delivering more details.
    The accident Jesper had was on his regular bike. People seeing it said his chain fell off and as the bike stopped he continued forward landing almost entirely on his head.
    He was unconscious for some minutes. Arriving at the hospital he was very confused and did not remember anything since the day before and forgot everything as soon as he was told.
    Now his memory is slowly getting better, though, he still needs me to confirm that what he thinks to remember happened few hours ago actually took place.
    The first two days he was sleeping almost all day, but now he starts asking me whether there is comments on this page and he was very happy to hear that so many people wrote him.
    Thanks again to all of you.


  4. At first, I was wondering what was up with him since I hadn’t heard back from him then I decided to check in and see what was going on. I’m sorry to hear that he got into such a nasty and scary wreck. I had my own back in October and I know how hard it is mentally to try to get back to where a person was before the wreck.

    Just focus on getting well, Jesper, you’ll find your way back. I did, but not without some pathfinding. Just depend on the people around you to help you on it.

  5. Jesper,

    Glad to hear that your memory and reasoning functions are improving, because I’m sure that ability is important to you. I have a 4-day hole in my memory from a cycling crash, too, and it required some mental adjustments besides the physical healing. As your memory and reality return, have fun with those who want to enjoy life too, and thank Anna, as she probably went through a bit more stress here than you will soon realize.

    Best Wishes,

  6. suitcaseofcourage

    Thanks much for the update Anna! Jesper is lucky to have you to take care of him. Hope he’s able to get back on the bike soon!

  7. Dave Simonson


    So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope your recovery is quick. Please keep sending updates so we know how you are doing. Take care.

    Dave Simonson

  8. I got a concussion just 10 days before Jesper…my crash involving a dog. Be very careful when you start to feel better. I thought I was completely back to normal, tried a little light exercise as my doctor said I could and soon found myself right back where I started. I’ve been diagnosed with Postconcussive Syndrome which could take up to 3 months to recover from. Hope you fare better! Take care!

  9. Best wishes my man. I’ve been there. Start slow again, then you’ll be back in no time.

    I love to read your site. Very informative and excellent information.

    Darrin Ezell – USAC Certified Coach – L3

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