Cycling Training Tips

How You Can Make Even Better has many visitors who like to read about heart rate monitors, power meters and cycling training in general. Currently, there are more than 450 600 unique visitors every day, but I want to make even more prominent and, more importantly, even better. Thus I would like you to help me make this blog better known and more interactive.

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What is your lowest heart rate ever? (38 104 comments)
 – Effective programs for indoor cycling (19 23 comments)

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5 thoughts on “How You Can Make Even Better”

  1. Just found this site – very cool and I think may be just what I’ve been looking for since I just started serious training. Last year was my first year racing and just “winged it” as far as training went. Did pretty good anyway (beginner’s luck no doubt), but I’m sure if I want to upgrade this year, my training’s gonna have to be a lot less haphazard and more focused. So I’m looking forward to reading through your site (just subscribed too)!

  2. I found your site via Endless Cycle. I think it’s going to be a big help as I am a fairly new cyclist who is training for a century at the end of summer. I am using the book 7-week cycling training program by Chris Sidwells for winter riding, as it has adapted some of the days for the indoor trainer. If you have more suggestions for getting the maximum benefits from the indoor trainer, that would be great.

  3. Fitness for Cricket - David Hinchliffe

    I admit I don’t have a clue about cycling training, or even own a bike.

    What I can say is that it’s great to see another well written blog in the sport/fitness arena doing well and growing fast. Keep up the interesting work!

  4. This is one great site. Have come back to cycling after 10 years off with us having kids etc (and another on the way)- i am now 37, and did no sports of any kind in that period. Have already had some good improvements using the indoor trainer. Seriously though i only have about 6-8 hours max for training available and am trying to device a balanced programme that will allow me to be somewhat competitive in local C or B grade races. Any thoughts would be more than welcome. Will give you some feedback as i progress.

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