Cycling Training Tips

How to Train More Without Having More Time

One of the most common reasons riders don’t get better and don’t reach their goals is lack of time. Many riders could train much more than they do currently if they were better at managing their time.

What if you had the time to train 7hours more per week? Would that make you a better and more winning cyclist? I guess that question isn’t that difficult to answer. However, I also know many dreams of more time for your big passion.

The reality is that you can do more cycling training every day. If you kill your worst time consumers, that can make you a stronger cyclist.

Here is a list of tips that will give you more time for cycling:

1. Reduce Emailing

2. Reduce Television

3. Reduce Mobile Phone

4. Reduce Internet Surfing

5. Reduce Magazines

Ok, now you got my five tips, and I bet that most of you can save at least one hour per day. That will increase your training amount by at least 7hours per week. Increased training amount is a sure-winner for many cyclists. So kill those time consumers and train more!

If you want to become a time-effective cyclist, don’t forget to order my e-book about how you can ride harder and faster by doing less training.

1 thought on “How to Train More Without Having More Time”

  1. What about if you’re married? How do you convince your wife to let you out of the house more?

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