I like the concept of power meter training. It makes it possible for me to convert my knowledge about exercise physiology to the best possible training for my riders.
Let me show you an example that demonstrates what I talk about.
Gonzalo Vilaseca from Spain is an experienced rider riding quite seriously the last three years before participating in the Power Meter Project 2007 here on Training4cyclists.com. Before starting on my 12-week training program, he performed 357W/5min and 321W/20min with a bodyweight of 73kg.
Quite impressive numbers, so it was no easy task for me to make him significantly stronger in only 12 weeks. I decided to put the most focus on building a large aerobic engine. In the old days (and still found in most standard training programs), such an engine was period with long slow distance training without intervals. Still, I let Gonzalo test one of the newer training strategies with more intensive training.
Actually, it was a pretty intensive training program with intervals every second day. These intervals were designed to increase his VO2max and aerobic endurance.
I’ve used similar technics in my two latest training programs: the 12-Week Winter Training Program and VO2 Max Booster Program. The VO2 Booster program is an extreme, short and focused demonstration of how you can use a power meter to increase your VO2 max.
We know that well-trained riders need intervals with an intensity close to their VO2 max to make further progress. You might wonder why I keep telling you this, but let’s look at the results from Gonzalo:
The hard work paid off, and he achieved some impressive results. His 5min maximum power went up to a fantastic 416w (+59W) and still weighed only 73kg. His 20min maximum capacity made a significant increment from 321 to 342w. I think these numbers speak for themselves.
You can read an interview with Gonzalo here.
Time Effective Cycling Training

Time Effective Cycling Training is the culmination of my years of experience training some of the top cyclists across Denmark. The e-book is designed to help road cyclists, mountain bikers and triathletes to reach their full performance potential.
Time Effective Cycling Training is not a miracle cure or a “quick fix”. Instead, readers will get an insight into intelligent and proven scientific training principles that will accelerate their progress. It takes a long-term view: you can get faster by training less.
Read more here…
hi jesper, you probably right in what you are saying, but be careful of many intervals sessions per week, it will squeeze your boy, i probably
go for 2 session per week in the pre.comp. and then perior to the race,
i go for 2 but with less duration, and it depends what sort of race you are
aiming for my friend…
yours sencerly abdulla jaber
head coach -bahrain cycling team
I guess most serious riders perform intervals two times per week, but they also participate in a race at the weekend. That makes it a total of at least three intensive days per week and that works fine for most people.
Best regards,