Cycling Training Tips

Best Beginner Cycling Tips – The Winner

It wasn’t an easy decision to choose the winner. It was a very close race. One of the reasons it was so difficult was that it is different what kind of tips a beginner needs. Most beginners can benefit from most of the tips participating in the competition. But I have announced that I will choose one winner and I decided the following comment from Ian, Australia, to be the best (winning $25):

When someone starts cycling I usually suggest a few group rides that are good for beginners or get them to do one of the longer challenge rides.

Getting in a well paced bunch teaches them alot about cycling, gives them friends to ride with and makes the starting process alot more fun.

The challenge ride, like around the bay in a day, set them an achievable goal which encourages them to go beyond what they thought their limits were. I am currently trying to get my 60year old mother to register for a 100k ride with the offer of doing it with her.

But Ian wasn’t the only person to come up with great tips for beginners. Thus, I will highly recommend beginners to visit the thread with cycling tips for beginners.

1 thought on “Best Beginner Cycling Tips – The Winner”

  1. I want to add cycling to my exercise program. Currently I walk 3 miles 6 to 7 time as week, and have worked to getting this done in 38 minutes. I am going to a local bike shop in Salina(Bike Tek) to find me my first bike since I was probably 12 yrs old. My question is, how will I know if the person I am dealing with actually will know what my needs are for a beginner and not someone who would just like to make a sale of bike. I want to start out on the right foot and make sure that I will be purchasing what is best.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Have a super afternoon!!


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