Cycling Training Tips

Jesper Bondo Medhus

I am a medical doctor with a special interest in cycling training. I work at the Hospital of Vejle using clinical physiology and nuclear medicine to diagnose cancer and heart patients. I have written two e-books: Time Effective Cycling Training and 12-Week Winter Training Program.

Boost performance with race-winning intervals

Boost Your Anaerobic Performance with Race-Winning Intervals (3 interval sessions)

Are you looking to boost your anaerobic performance? If so, then you should try race-winning intervals. These workouts are a great way to improve your speed and power, which can help you win races. In this article, we’ll discuss what race-winning intervals are, and how to perform them correctly. Let’s get started! Race-Winning Intervals –

Boost Your Anaerobic Performance with Race-Winning Intervals (3 interval sessions) Read More »

Tapering for a Cycling Race (standard protocol)

Tapering for an Important Cycling Race

If you have a significant season goal in front of you, a proper tapering protocol can supercharge your cycling performance. Unfortunately, even though this is not breaking news, many cyclists don’t benefit (enough) from tapering. In most cases, people train hard and have an extensive training volume until one week before their season goal. After

Tapering for an Important Cycling Race Read More »