Cycling Training Tips

Jesper Bondo Medhus

I am a medical doctor with a special interest in cycling training. I work at the Hospital of Vejle using clinical physiology and nuclear medicine to diagnose cancer and heart patients. Author of the book: Mastering the Art of Race-Specific Training (Kindle and paperback).For sale at and many other places.

Strength Training Might Increase Performance

Strength training is a controversial topic when we discuss optimizing of training programs for cyclists. There is no definitive answer to whether cyclists should include weight lifting in their winter training plans. There have been made several studies which have not yet proved that cyclists can benefit from strength training.

One of the biggest problems for these scientific studies is that they are done at untrained people and the study group is usually small. That makes it rather difficult to prove a significant difference between endurance training only versus endurance training combined with weight lifting.

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5 Mistakes In The Weight Lifting Gym

There are many myths about training principles in the bicycling world but there are even more in the weight lifting gym. I have seen a lot of strength training programs for cyclists on the internet, but most of them are of a very poor quality. It is obvious that many coaches are good at endurance training, but lack experience and knowledge about strength training. I have a feeling that many of these coaches do not know how the neuromuscular system works and how it adapts to the weight lifting.

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16 hours per week training program

This training program is for serious riders who already have a solid mileage. I recommend that you use a heart rate monitor or, even better, a power meter in your training. During short intervals, a heart rate monitor is worth nothing because the reactions from the cardiac system are delayed by a few minutes. This

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14 hours per week training program

Yesterday I presented a 12 hr per week training program. I will go a step further and introduce a similar program for 14hr per week. Remember that these programs are only guidelines, and it is strongly recommended to have a solid mileage before you start. I promise that I will post a beginner’s guide soon.

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