Cycling Training Tips

3 Alternative Strategies in Bad Weather

It’s not uncommon that lousy weather makes serious outdoor training impossible. Of course, you know that cancelling is not an option if you want to achieve good results, but it makes good sense to look for alternatives in extreme weather situations.

Since you can’t change the weather (I guess that’s quite beyond this blog post), you should proactively make an alternative training strategy for extreme weather situations. I fully understand that you prefer to follow your training plan, but there is no reason not to spend a few minutes to consider if there is a reasonable alternative.

How to replace your planned training session with a high quality alternative

1. Hometrainer or ergometer bike (watch a cycling training video)

Following a quick warm-up, you should begin your interval training. Immensely few riders enjoy riding indoor bikes for longer than 90 minutes, so prioritize interval training and get it done. Pushing solid aerobic intervals like repeated bouts of 4 to 6 minutes (repeat 4 to 6 times) would be a decent workout. Turn up your favorite music or get inspired by watching a cycling training video.

2. Spinning

Spinning is a great alternative or supplement to your regular training. It’s impossible to compare 1hr spinning with 1hr road cycling. Many external factors will influence your perceived exhaustion (temperature, humidity, music, instructor, etc.) It’s not unlikely that your subjective experience is different from what a power meter would tell you.

Most cycling races are incredibly unpredictable, so you will need a vast repertoire of skills to master them. So don’t be afraid to ride a spinning class where you don’t know the intervals beforehand.
Nevertheless, if you do your best to keep the intensity high and enjoy the training session, chances for a good workout are better. Also, it is worth noting that spinning classes can be an excellent place to train pedaling rates like you would in the Alps.

3. Take a day off (Evaluate and edit your training program)

Sometimes it is better to skip a training session and benefit from extra recovery instead of struggling to complete a painful ride in the rain. Rather, you should be proactive and spend some time adjusting your current training program. Yes, it takes time to make it fit perfectly.

And if you didn’t start a training program in 2014, it’s never too late. Grab a winter training program here.

Question to you (please leave a comment):
What is your best advice when it’s raining outside?

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