Cycling Training Tips

18 Hours Per Week Training Program

This training program is designed for serious riders who already have a solid mileage. I will recommend that you use a heart rate monitor or even better a power meter in your training. During short intervals, a heart rate monitor is worth nothing because the reactions from the cardiac system are delayed by a few minutes. People that enter this program should know about the terms overreaching and overtraining.

When you are ready to spend 18 hours per week on training, you should at least consider why you are doing it. Try to write down some of the goals you want to achieve. Also, remember to write down your performance in some kind of a diary. It can be very useful for you later. Especially when/if you reach a training plateau.

Here is the training program (you can find more training programs here):

app.18hr1,5hr recovery4,5hr

V02 max

4x200m sprint

2x10min AT
Rest1,5hr easy ride.Race, 4hr.
app.18hr1,5hr recovery4,5hr

3x5x(40+20)sec. V02 max

4x200m sprint

4x(3+3)min V02 max
Rest1,5hr easy ride.Race, 4hr.
app.18hr1,5hr recovery4,5hr

2x10min AT

4x200m sprint

3x5x(40+20)sec. V02 max
Rest1,5hr easy ride.Race, 4hr.

2x(3+3)min VO2 max


2x4x(40×20)min VO2 max
Rest1hr easy ride.Race, 4hr.

7 thoughts on “18 Hours Per Week Training Program”

  1. Hi,

    I have been biking for a year now. Last year, I was just putting miles on my body to get used to the motion and prepare myself to start racing this year. I am comitted to spend 18 hours during the racing season, and I have a training plan for Jan and Feb since I have only been doing weight training during the winter as well as riding just during the weekends. I have some comments about this plan. Since almost all the races have two events, Crits on Saturday and Road Races on Sunday, what is your suggestion to accomodate this training plan for that? The second question is that since I am not used to read this training plans, I cannot understand all the abbreviations in it? As an Example, 3x5x (40+20). Any clarifications will be greatly appreciated.


  2. Diego,

    Sorry for my late answer, hopefully you have crossed the ‘notify me’ box so you will see my answer. 🙂

    If you have two races in the weekend, then skip on of the interval sessions during the week. I would probably choose to do intervals on wednesdays in you case.

    3x5x(40+20)sec is 3 sets of 5 intervals of 40 seconds with 20seconds rest between each interval. Between each set there is a recovery period of 5 to 15 minutes.

    Best regards,


  3. Jesper,

    I normally do the (3×3 min) five times. Do you recommend to do a mix of intervals?


  4. Hi Jesper.

    I have followed this program with good results.
    I have a question for the 3×5x(40+20)sec. V02 max intervals.
    I am training with a powermeter, my FTP is 330w.
    Shall I sprint at the start, or trying to keep stable watt figures? And how many percent of my FTP shall i try to reach?

  5. Hi Jesper,
    I just had a question about the layout of the training plan above. I am sure it is pretty self explanatory, but when you right 1,5 hr or 3,5 hr does that read between 1 and 5 hr or 3 and 5 hr. Appreciate the help. Thanks.

  6. Thanks Jesper,
    I like the commas better than dots :). I like this training plan, and like to use something like this along with implementing the time effective training principles…great stuff! But like Diego, I also race on the weekends, so I have been doing Monday easy recovery, Tuesday/Wed intervals, Thursday easy recovery, then Friday a type of open up ride for races Sat/Sun..does this sound respectable?

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